Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Lemon Mint Freekeh Salad (Vegan)

Recipe from Bob’s Red Mill
Husband-Tested in Alice’s Kitchen
Makes 8 side servings or 4 main servings

Freekeh is a new food at our house.  It’s a whole grain full of fiber. It’s prepared like most whole grains, cooked in boiling water or broth. (Store uncooked freekeh in the fridge.)  Lemon Mint Freekeh Salad makes a great and filling lunch.  While the freekeh cooks and then cools a bit, prepare the lemony pesto and the rest of the salad ingredients. 

2½ cups water
1 cup Bob’s Red Mill Cracked Freekeh
2 cups fresh parsley
1 cup fresh mint
2 teaspoons lemon zest
½ cup fresh lemon juice
½ cup toasted pine nuts
¾ teaspoon kosher salt
½ teaspoon freshly ground pepper
1/3 cup olive oil
15 oz. cooked chickpeas (if canned, rinse and drain)
2 medium red bell peppers, diced
2 large tomatoes, diced

Bring water to a boil in a saucepan.  Add the freekeh, cover and reduce the heat to medium-low. Simmer until water is absorbed, about 20 minutes.  Drain any excess liquid and let freekeh cool for 30 minutes.  In a food processor or blender, puree parsley, mint, lemon zest and juice for 15 seconds.  Add the pine nuts, salt and pepper and puree until smooth, another 15 seconds.  With the machine running, slowly drizzle in olive oil.  Continue to process until smooth.  In a large bowl, toss the herb pesto with the freekeh, chickpeas, red bell peppers and tomatoes.  Serve immediately or chilled. 

How to Prepare Basic Freekeh:

Bring 2½ cups water and ½ teaspoon salt to a boil.  Add 1 cup cracked freekeh, cover and reduce the heat to medium-low.  Simmer until liquid is absorbed, about 20 minutes.  Remove from heat and let stand, covered , for 5 minutes.  Makes 4 servings (about 3 cups.)

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