Thursday, April 23, 2020

Instant Pot Hard-Cooked Eggs

Husband-Tested in Alice’s Kitchen

When I first got my Instant Pot, I watched lots of videos before I used it.  One of the things that interested me was how easy it was to make hard-cook eggs. Lisa Childs’ YouTube channel was very helpful.   I’m thrilled with how nicely my eggs turned out.  I found the Tried Tested and True website to be a huge help. I watched the video from Tried Tested and True regarding hard-cooked eggs. She thoroughly tested all sorts of times, etc. including the popular 5-5-5. However, her experience with the times below resulted in non-rubbery whites, non-gooey yellows and no green ring around the yolk. The shells slipped right off. As you can see, it worked for me!!! So, I’m sold.  Here’s how to do it.

Special Equipment:
Instant Pot
Steamer Basket
1-Cup Measure
Large Bowl for Ice Bath

1 cup water
Large eggs straight from the fridge (As to the number of eggs, use however many will fit in your steamer basket.  I usually do 6 or 7 at a time because it’s just we two.  But my basket would allow more than a dozen eggs.)

2-4 cup ice (I don’t measure, but I usually grab a few handfuls of ice to put in the large bowl for the ice bath.)
Water for ice bath

Be sure the Inner Pot is in the Instant Pot.  Pour 1 cup water into the Inner Pot.  Place the steamer basket into the Inner Pot.  Put the eggs into the Inner Pot.  Lock the lid into place.  Choose High Pressure for 2 minutes.  Hit Cancel.  Allow the Instant Pot to Slow Release for 15 minutes(Set a timer for this.) The pin most likely will drop before the 15 minute slow release time is up, but keep the lid on and wait for the entire 15 minutes to lapse before opening the lid. Meanwhile, prepare the ice bath.  Place the ice in the large bowl.  Pour in water to fill the bowl, allowing enough space for the eggs. When the 15 minutes is up and the pressure has been released, open the lid, and use the tongs to remove the eggs from the Instant Pot to the ice bath.  Set a timer for 10 minutes.  When the timer dings, remove the eggs from the ice bath and peel the eggs.  The peels should slip right off. The eggs should have non-rubbery whites, non-gooey yellows and no green ring around the yolks. Use the eggs in your favorite recipes and/or store in the fridge in an air-tight container for later.

QUICK REFERENCE: High pressure 2 minutes; slow release 15 minutes; ice bath 10 minutes

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