Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Slow Cooker Shredded Chicken

Makes 18 ounces/Serves 6
Recipe from The Skinny Taste Cookbook
Adapted and Husband-Tested in Alice’s Kitchen

Have you ever skipped over making a chicken salad or soup because you didn’t wish to take the time to cook the chicken?  Well, whip out your slow cooker because this recipe will save you loads of time and effort.  Once you have cooked the chicken breasts in the slow cooker, shred the meat and then pack it for the freezer to pull out later for salad or soup recipes*.  You’ll even have a simple chicken broth to use for soups or for cooking grains. 

3 boneless, skinless chicken breasts (1½ lbs.)
(I remove the tenders and freeze those separately for other recipes like stir-fries or chicken nuggets.)
2 cups chicken broth or vegetable broth (canned, boxed, or Homemade)
1 cup water
1 onion, unpeeled and quartered
1 celery stalk
*(Totally optional:  sprig of fresh herbs like parsley or thyme or a bay leaf; a few peppercorns; a few dried mushrooms; a couple of whole cloves)

Place the chicken breasts in the slow cooker.  Add the rest of the ingredients.  Make sure that the chicken breasts are just covered with broth/water. Cover and cook on high for 4 hours.  Remove the chicken and shred it with two forks.  Strain the broth, discarding the solids.  When the broth comes to room temperature, store the broth it the fridge for a few days or freeze the broth for later.  Use the shredded chicken right away or freeze for another time.

Nutritional Information:  (3 ounce serving) 66 calories; 1.5 g fat; 0.5 g saturated fat; 31 mg. cholesterol; 2 g. carbohydrates; 0 g. fiber; 11 g. protein; 1 g. sugars; 300 mg. sodium (If using Homemade Broth, the sodium will be greatly reduced.)

*Here are just a few Husband-Tested Recipes for using Slow Cooker Shredded Chicken:
·       ChutneyChicken Salad

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