Monday, February 29, 2016

Refreshing "Wet/Dry" Drink

Recipe from Cool Waters by Brian Preston-Campbell
Husband-Tested in Alice's Kitchen
Makes 6 cups

My good buddy, Janabai, invited a few of us to her cute little cottage for a lesson on how to make croissants.  She made us a lovely lunch while we did all the waiting for the dough to do its thing.  She also made this fabulous drink that we gulped in unlady-like fashion!

6 cups still water
2 Tablespoons dried goji berries
2 Tablespoons dried currants
2 Tablespoons dried cherries
2 Tablespoons dried cranberries
4 whole cloves, crushed

Heat the water to 100F.  Pour into a bowl or jar, add the remaining ingredients, and steep at room temperature for 1 hour.
Cover and refrigerate for 8 hours.
Strain through a fine-mesh sieve into a pitcher and serve cold.

Tip:  Save the rehydrated fruit for another use, such as a delicious additions to your favorite stuffing recipe or blended with yogurt for a nutritious smoothie.

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