Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Wine and Cheese Recommendation

As you may have noticed, Lost River Market & Deli now has wine and beer. My husband and I occasionally drink wine with dinner and when we have a gathering of friends. We really know nothing about wines, but we know what we like:-) I thought it might be a nice idea to include in this blog the wines and cheeses Jim and I try from the store.
Last week, I wanted to try a new lasagna recipe (It turned out quite well and I'll put it on the blog later.) I asked Keith Robertson, Lost River Market & Deli's produce manager and wine/beer buyer, what he recommended. He suggested Casamonfrare 2005, a Spanish wine. It paired beautifully with the lasagna and would surely taste great with any pasta dish. It also went nicely with the Kentucky Tomme Cheese that is available in the cheese case and the Spinach Artichoke Dip that is available in the deli.

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I'd love to hear from you! Let me know if you try the recipes and how they turn out.